Growing People Who Impact Their World For Jesus Christ
Mayer Community Church

Submit? Seriously?

Passage: Ephesians 5:22-24

A text like this morning’s is one of the reasons our church preaches straight through books of the bible. In this day and culture, it would be easy to skip a passage that many claim is an archaic remnant from an ancient patriarchal society. Contemporary feminism would accuse anyone who takes the words of this passage literally and attempts to apply them to women today as a social dinosaur. We believe that God’s word means what it says, that it is absolutely practical and applicable to us today, and that the heartburn many have with “submission” is due to either a gross misunderstanding or having been on the receiving end of sinful and distorted application. We desperately need this passage, and the text  that follows directed toward husbands, to recover the biblical concept of marriage.