Growing People Who Impact Their World For Jesus Christ
Mayer Community Church

Reading Through the Bible – Acts 3-4

Just wanted you guys to know I hadn’t forgotten to blog. Also, I am still reading with you. I am just falling behind in my posts. You will see the rate of my postings picking up as I get caught up with the reading. Here we go!

Acts 3:19 – Therefore, repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out. (CSB) Peter has clearly preached the gospel to the crowd that had been drawn by the miraculous healing. He first preached Christ, his person (v. 13), his death (v. 14-15), his resurrection (v. 15), and his ascension (v. 21). He pointed out the sins of his listeners, who had 1) handed him over; 2) denied him; 3) killed him, etc… Once they recognized their sin and realized exactly who Jesus was, Peter calls them to repent and turn back. Repentance is literally a change of mind but biblically it means to mourn over sin and resolve to forsake it. To turn back means to be converted and to turn from the world and self back to Jesus. As I read this passage, I considered it a model for how to present the gospel. In my sermons, I am pretty faithful about presenting Christ but I don’t always call for a response of repentance and trust in Christ. I need to do this more consistently and we all need to be living lives of repentance and to make sure that we explain repentance when we are sharing the gospel with others.

Acts 4:12 – There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved. (CSB) Peter responded to the inquiries of the Jewish leadership without a hint of equivocation. He presented both the negative and positive side of this truth: negatively, there is no salvation apart from Christ, but positively, there is salvation available to anyone who would trust in the work of Christ alone. Now, here is where the rubber needs to meet the road – if we really believe this truth, and if we have the least concern for the souls of those we come in contact with, then we will consistently and faithfully over the gospel to them. You may be lousy at evangelism (I know I struggle) and many times we are constrained by fear: fear of rejection, humiliation, or ignorance. We need to pray with the early church, consistent with Acts 4:29 that God would grant that we would speak his word with boldness!

Until next time, blessings!