Growing People Who Impact Their World For Jesus Christ
Mayer Community Church

Podcast (Page 7)

A Question of Authority

Passage: Mark 2:1-12 A major shift in Jesus’ ministry takes place in our text for this morning. Beginning with the healing of the paralytic, Mark records five consecutive events which show the increasing escalation of opposition to Jesus from the Jewish religious leaders. In the first confrontation, Jesus has been presented with a paralytic by […]

The Transforming Touch of Jesus

Passage: Mark 1:40-45 A significant part of Jesus’ earthly ministry involved healing. The gospels record 26 separate and distinct healings performed by Jesus; everything from blindness to paralysis; from bleeding to a severed ear; from demon possession to death. But Jesus’ primary ministry was not healing: it was preaching the good news of the kingdom […]

Enjoying God and Giving Him Glory

Passage: Psalm 16 This morning, we are pleased to have Corey Navarro bring the message from God’s Word. In this sermon, we will seek to answer the key question of human existence―what is the chief end of man? This very familiar question comes from the Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechism, and the answer is that […]

Seeing the Sign in the Miracle

Passage: Mark 1:29-34 Sometimes, it is easy for us to pass over very familiar Bible accounts without considering their significance in the bigger story of God’s rescue of sinners. This morning’s passage is a perfect example. Immediately on the heels of his authoritative teaching and demonic showdown in the synagogue of Capernaum, Mark records the […]

The Message and the Calling

Passage: Mark 1:14-20 In this morning’s passage, Mark introduces us to the first four of Jesus’ disciples. These men will accompany Jesus for the next 3½ years. They will have heard him preach the good news throughout Galilee and Judea. They will have seen him perform miracle after miracle, confirming his divinity. Later, they will […]

The Battle in the Wilderness

Passage: Mark 1:12-13 Mark’s account of Jesus’ temptation is more abbreviated and far less detailed than that recorded in either Matthew or Luke. While we need to consider some of the details of these other accounts to gain a more complete understanding of what Jesus faced, the point of the passage is clear: Where Adam […]