Growing People Who Impact Their World For Jesus Christ
Mayer Community Church

'Suffering' Tagged Posts

The God of Impossible Situations

Passage: Psalm 3 Today we are going to examine King David’s response to what seemed to be an impossible situation. He faced a formiddable army led by his own son, Absalom. The majority of his subjects had turned against him, believing God was no longer with David but with his son. How did David respond […]

God Knows

Passage: Daniel 11:1-45 One well-regarded commentator denied that it was even possible to preach a sermon on this morning’s text. Granted, this passage contains an overwhelming amount of historical specificity focused upon a time that would appear to have little-to-any relevance to a 21st century Christian. But there are truths and themes contained within this […]

Purification or Punishment (Butch Newlin)

Passage: 1 Peter 4:12-19 According to Scripture, Christians can experience suffering for several reason, whether for our own sin and foolishness or for faithfully obeying the Gospel. Since God has made it clear judgement begins with the household of God, we need to look more inward than outward when it comes to condemning sin.