Growing People Who Impact Their World For Jesus Christ
Mayer Community Church

John Mulvihill

What Good Can Possibly Come From This?

Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 In Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians, he is aware that his friends are being persecuted because they are followers of Jesus.  They didn’t have it easy.  Was there anything good that would come from their trials?  Paul mentions several outcomes, and we’ll look at those today.

Someday We’re All Going Going Home

Passage: I Thessalonians 4:13-18 The Thessalonians had as big question for Paul: When Christ comes for us what is going to happen to those believers who have already died?  In answering this question Paul gives us some important information concerning what will occur when that event we call the rapture occurs.  Let’s also see what […]

God Uses Ordinary People

As we look around at the different people in our church, we see a lot of needs.  Some are physical, some spiritual, some financial.  The Thessalonians had some needs that concerned Paul related to persecution and exacerbated by the church’s being young in the faith.  What could Paul do?  He sent Timothy and he prayed.  What […]

A Church With Its Mind Made Up

Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 In our passage today we find that Paul had been anxiously awaiting for word of how the church at Thessalonica was doing.  Finally, he received word and it brought back a lot of good memories of the reception he had received when first sharing the gospel with them.  Paul also anticipated […]

They Had Something Special

Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Paul’s second missionary journey in Acts 17 brought him to the city of Thessalonica and the planting of a church that became very dear to him.  In fact, he says they were a “model” and “example” to other churches in that region.  What are some of the characteristics that made them […]